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Water Damage Restoration New York

Water is one of the most destructive forces on the planet. When it gets into your home, the damage it leaves behind is extensive, even if you can't see the damage with the naked eye.

What Causes Water Damage in the Home?

Water damage inside the home can be caused by a wide variety of occurrences. Most people associated floods with catastrophic water damage, but that's not the only form of water that can cause eventual damage.

Any of these events, and more, may cause water damage to your home:

  • Sprinkler systems
  • Leaking roofs
  • Ice dams
  • Leaking appliances ( such as refrigerators, dishwashers, and washing machines)
  • Busted pipes
  • Leaking pipes
  • Toilet overflows
  • Efforts to put out a fire

The problem with water damage is that it soaks into your walls, the flooring beneath your carpet, the carpet itself, and everything it touches in between. It sneaks into unseen spaces and leaves behind mildew and mold which causes health problems, destroys family treasures, and leaves your home in need of costly repairs.

Why Hire Professionals for Water Restoration?

Water restoration is about so much more than simply getting rid of the water. It's about repairing and restoring your home, some of your treasures, and your sense of wellness in the universe.

Unfortunately, most people don't have the technology, tools, or knowledge to undo the damage water leaves behind. Water restoration professionals cannot undo all the damage water leaves in its wake but they can preserve, restore, and repair many of the items you'd be unable to save on your own.

The best way to avoid secondary problems is to get started on the restoration process right away!
Call NYCarpet Cleaning for your emergency services now!

NYCarpet Cleaning
Phone: 212-380-1219
Hours: Mon-Sun 8:00am - 8:00pm
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